Monthly Archives: January 2014

How to Lower Risk of Infection and Continuously Protect Patients

MEDICA is the world’s largest medical equipment trade fair, held annually in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Copper Alliance presented an ‘Antimicrobial Copper Hospital’: a stand showcasing touch surface products that harness the antimicrobial properties of copper and its alloys to enhance infection control.

Reduce transfer of bacteria with Antimicrobial Copper that lowers the burden continuously deactivating bacteria. Anything made out of stainless steel, Midbrook Medical can manufacturer out of copper:

– IV Poles
– Case Carts
– Chair Arms
– Push Plates
– Door Handles
– Over Bed Tables
– Electrical Light Switch Plates

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by | 01/27/2014 · 12:09 pm

Antibacterial Wipes Are Just Spreading Germs

Cardiff University in Wales did a study that showed hospitals that routinely use antibacterial wipes to disinfect are actually spreading germs instead of killing them. The research targeted three types of wipes and their effects on killing MRSA. All three of which were found to transfer high amounts of bacteria to a high amount of other surfaces. Once a staff member wipes one surface, they typically use that same wipe to wipe down other items as well. First the handrail, then the table, then who knows what else. The wipes were picking up the bacteria but they weren’t killing the bacteria, therefore essentially transferring the bacteria to its next point of contact. Disinfecting wipes aren’t only used in hospitals but also in schools, gyms, stores and in most homes, amplifying this already serious issue. nm_wipe2_080603_mv

We can’t reasonably expect a staff member to use and discard of one wipe for every small surface they clean. So what is a hospital to do?

Many facilities are adopting the use of Antimicrobial Copper  to address this problem.  The EPA registered material is effective against major super bugs like E.coli, MRSA, Staph, VRE and many more. Virtually any surface can be transformed to copper and kill greater than 99.9% of bacteria within two hours.  Antimicrobial Copper can be a tremendous addition to any infection control program saving hospitals both time and money.

Another option to combat the spread of infection is the UV Flash, 60 Second Infection Prevention Station which uses ultraviolet germicidal light to kill over 300 different germs. The station is often placed in waiting rooms, nurses stations, ICUs and other medical environments to disinfect a multitude of germ ridden objects like stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and cell phones.

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When is a Good Time to Update Your Infection Prevention Policies?

When do you think about updating your infection prevention policies the most? When your hospital is in the midst of a super bug outbreak. Even though that shouldn’t be when you think about updating your policies.

Its like when you’re gas tank is on empty. That’s probably when you’re most likely to think about the cost of gas, do you have enough money with you? Or maybe you play out the scenario of what would happen if you ran out of gas on the side of the road. You probably also check to see if you’re cell phone is charged up in case you need to call a tow truck. There are all sorts of scenarios you need to keep in mind for if you run out of gas in your vehicle, however most people don’t until they absolutely need to. It’s a lot like infections in hospitals.

In Illinois, hospitals are learning to take preventative steps to keep patients safe. The outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) sparked an investigation which affected dozens of patients. They found in most cases the outbreak was linked to the use of dirty endoscopes.

The hospital changed its sterilization procedures after the investigation to not only meet, but exceed manufacturer’s recommendations. They found that the endoscopes were particularly difficult to clean and they could no longer continue cleaning the instruments the same way they were accustomed to.

This type of bacteria has the ability to kill up to half of the people who get serious infections. Those are some staggering statistics and this hospital realized something had to change.

The difficulty this hospital experienced with cleaning endoscopes, is what every hospital in the United States is likely experiencing. They may not realize it yet or they may not want to admit it. Yet the we all know surgical instruments aren’t the same as they were even 5 years ago. We now have the capability of doing some amazing, minimally invasive surgeries today but this also means our cleaning and sterilization methods need to evolve along with those advancements.

Here is an example of what some hospitals and surgery centers are using to target the issue of dirty endoscopes and narrow lumened instruments. This solution not only meets AAMI standards, it blows them out of the water.

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